VFX for Tamil film Payanam

‘VenSat‘, which has delivered the cutting-edge VFX work for films like Daabang, Land of Astronauts and Robo has recently provided the VFX work for the Tamil film ‘Payanam‘ known as Gaganam in Telugu version which released last month.

As per the script, the film was provided with additional works like Set extension, BG creation of flight sequence with CG clouds and Stunts Sequence with CG Debris. In all the VFX team delivered more than 400 shots for the film.
The Visual effects have played an enormous role in the movie in terms of showing realistic snow fall to show snow covered mountains, striking of an avalanche, overturning and engulfing a Military Truck. There was also a lot of research done for an avalanche sequence in the film keeping the density of the flow of the snow lead in mind.

Alagar Samy, Global Operations Head, Speaking about the challenging Visual Effects and CGI work in the film says, "For the avalanche sequence, it is difficult to create out of standard off the shelf dynamics and particle effects. For this purpose, we used our program script to create and control the realistic avalanche. To achieve directorial acceptance on our CG snow with its natural look and feel was iterative and most time consuming."

VenSat‘s team of 20 digital artists including CG and VFX supervisors worked for two months. Stalin, VFX supervisor says, "We took references through many DVD‘s / TV series of natural shots for showcasing calamities." Showing natural scenes was the major challenge to tackle for VenSat. "Avalanche is a natural disaster. This needs understanding of Physics, Lighting, Dynamics, Live Location shot to match to our final director acceptable shot. There are three aspects to achieve success in such challenge. Our visual understanding to natural disasters should be conceivable and convincible. Next, our knowledge of our VFX artist and the tools limitation should be well understood. Lastly, our conceptualization of what we will shoot on location, what we will generate through the computer to achieve, what the Director requires in the final shot is all a part of this", adds Samy.